Japanese & Korean Herbs

Both Japanese and Korean practices, like western herbalism, incorporate the use of herbs in food as well as in teas and decoctions.

Japanese traditional herbal medicine is known as ‘Kampo’, and originated in ancient China. It is an individualized, holistic treatment system where the mind and body are seen as one entity. The therapeutic aim is to relieve symptoms and to restore harmony in bodily functions. Recent decades have seen a revival of Kampo medicine within the modern health care system. Traditionally, Kampo medicines are prepared by blending cut natural herbs and boiling them in water to infuse them.

Korean medicinal traditions can be traced back as far as 3000 B.C. Writings from the 13th century describe wormwood and garlic, neither of which are found in ancient Chinese herbology, as ‘edible medicine’, showing that traditional Korean medicine developed unique practices although it was later influenced by TCM. Korean traditional medicine is based on herbal infusions and decoctions, acupuncture and moxibustion.

Disclaimer: We have a passion for growing herbs but we are not qualified herbalists and have no medical background. We always recommend that you consult with a qualified health-care practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing or on any medications. Kahikatea Farm cannot take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of the plants or a plant not having the effect it is reputed to have.

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