

Only 5 left in stock


Stachys officinalis syn. Betonica officinalis

Also known as Common Hedgenettle, Purple Betony, Wood Betony, Bishopwort, or Bishop’s Wort.  Hardy perennial grassland herb with wrinkled leaves and pinky-purple flower spires. Betony has a long history of medicinal use and has been revered in many cultures for uses including treatments for migraines and anxiety. Modern herbalists prescribe betony to treat anxiety, gallstones, heartburn, high blood pressure, migraine and neuralgia, and to prevent sweating. It can also be used as an ointment for cuts and sores. The leaves and flowering tops can be used as a tea substitute, and a yellow dye can be made from the leaves. Excellent bee attractor.

Plant in full sun or part shade, preferably in a moist situation. Leaves form a low ground cover, flower spires grow to approx 50cm tall.

9cm pot. Certified organic plant.

Freight: We can send up to 9 plants this size (in 9cm pots) for the same freight price or they can be combined with other grades but this will incur higher freight costs.

More details of freight and packing charges here

Photos: Kahikatea Farm