Borago officinalis
A well known companion plant, borage has bright blue edible flowers which attract bees. The leaves contain calcium and potassium and are said to have a cucumber-like flavour. They can be finely chopped (to mitigate the rough texture) and added to salads along with the flowers. They also make a delicious cooked green, either briefly boiled or sauteed. This herb is also the highest known plant source of gamma-linolenic acid (an Omega 6 fatty acid, also known as GLA) and the seed oil is often marketed as a GLA supplement. It is also a source of B vitamins, beta-carotene, fiber, choline, and, again, trace minerals. Some studies show borage can kill and inhibit the growth of cancer cells and there are many other medicinal claims for the plant, including beneficial effects on the mind and dispelling melancholy. It is also used for stimulating breast milk production and as an adrenal gland tonic.
As the plant accumulates calcium, silica and potassium it is a useful addition to a compost heap, or can be used for mulching. Also good forage food for chooks. An edible blue dye can also be made from the flowers.
Keep plants well watered and feed with a nitrogen rich fertiliser if aiming for leaf production, and keep flower heads cut back. Height to 60cm. Self-seeding annual.
9cm pot. Certified organic plant.