Chinese Motherwort


NEW 2024


Leonurus japonicus

Known as 益母草, Yi-Mu-Cao (herb that benefits the mother), this herb is well known in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is considered to be one of the 50 fundamental herbs. Its uses have been documented in China for over 1800 years, and modern pharmacological studies have demonstrated its effects, in particular on the uterus and as a cardioprotective agent.

Approximately 140 chemical compounds have been isolated from Chinese Motherwort, including high levels of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as flavonoids,  sterols, triterpenes and tannins. It is used for menstrual disorders including painful and irregular periods, bloating and PMS. It is also used to treat skin disorders by increasing bloodflow, relieve water retention and urinary difficulties, reduce rapid or irregular heart rate related to stress or anxiety, and to aid healing of bruises and skin irritations.

All above ground parts of the plant can be used, fresh or dried. Chinese Motherwort should not be used during pregnancy or if using blood thinning agents.

This species of Motherwort is native to temperate and tropical parts of China, Russia and Northern Australia.  It can be annual or biennial, and grows from taproots with dense and fibrous rootlets. Growing well in full sun or part shade, it tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, but prefers some moisture.

Certified Organic plant in 9cm pot.

Freight: We can send up to 9 plants this size (in 9cm pots) for the same freight price or they can be combined with other grades but this will incur higher freight costs.

More details of freight and packing charges here