Globe Artichoke



Cynara scolymus

Vigorous, prolific, hardy perennial vegetable.  Harvest buds before they open, boil, then eat the base of the bracts and the hearts of this gourmet food.  The flowering stems can also be eaten peeled then raw or cooked.

Globe artichokes also have highly regarded medicinal uses due to the presence of the compound cynarin, which can improve liver and gall bladder function, increase secretion of digestive juices and lower blood cholesterol.  A greenish grey dye can also be obtained from the leaves.  A useful plant at the edge of a food forest/forest garden system due to the large amounts of biomass returning to the soil each year.  The flowers, if not harvested, are also good bee attractors.

Plant 1m apart in full sun.  Drought hardy. Height 1m.

Certified organic plant in 9cm pot.

Freight:  full list of freight and packing charges

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