
Mountain Pawpaw

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $15.00.


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Carica pubescens syn. Vasconcellea pubescens

Quick growing small tree native to the South American highlands up to 3,000 metres, but can be grown at lower elevations and also in the subtropics and warm, essentially frost-free temperate areas. Plants grow best in areas where the mean annual rainfall is 1,000 – 1,700mm, but tolerate a range of 500 – 2,800mm, and established plants can tolerate prolonged droughts.  Mountain Pawpaws (also known as Mountain Papayas) prefer a mean minimum temperature of 17°c and a maximum of 22°c, but can tolerate a range from 10 – 28°c, and can even tolerate occasional frosts to about -3°c when dormant, but only -1°c when coming into growth. In exposed conditions however these temperatures can kill a plant. Mountain Pawpaws require a fertile, well-drained soil and a sunny but sheltered position. Plants can start producing fruit in just 2 years and a single tree can produce 50 – 60 fruits a year, however plants can be monoecious or dioecious, and as they are seed grown we will not know this at sale point. Dioecious forms will need both male and female forms to be grown for fruit production, so growing several plants together is recommended.

The trees have large tropical-looking leaves and grow narrow and straight, so are perfect for small gardens. The fruit is yellow when ripe and will fill your garden with a delicious fruity aroma. It can also be eaten unripe as a vegetable but will contain fewer vitamins and minerals. Height to 4m.

Certified organic plant in deep root pot

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