Rugosa Rose Alba



Rosa rugosa Alba
Easy care hardy deciduous rose. Large flowers from early summer varying from dark pink to white, with a strong fragrance, followed by large (2-3cm wide and long) edible hips in autumn, excellent for rosehip syrup or jam. The hips are abundant and rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and flavinoids. They are just about large enough to eat like a small apple, but you need to take care not to ingest the hairs in the centre which can be a severe irritant.  The flowers are also edible, the young shoots can be eaten cooked in spring, and the seeds, which are high in vitamin E, can be ground and added to other dry foods. Like all rose family plants all parts of the plant are astringent and good for the heart and circulation.  The slight bitterness of the hips and petals aid digestion.   Rugosa roses are very easy care, growing in sandy or clay soil, and they tend to be disease resistant and tolerant even of salt spray. They look rather bare in winter so suit the back of a border, but can also be used as a low edible hedge. Full sun or light shade. Height to 1.5m.

PB5 Certified organic plant.

Freight:  full list of freight and packing charges

Photos: Kahikatea Farm

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