Tomato Moonglow


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A winner in terms of looks, taste and health – this gorgeous orange tomato has the highest levels of tetra-cis-lycopene. This lycopene is easily absorbed from raw fruit, unlike that from red tomatoes, which is only absorbed when the tomatoes are cooked.  Lycopene has been linked to a reduced incidence of heart disease and certain cancers, in particular prostate cancer. Read more info in this article. 

The reason for the difference is that the original tomatoes from South America were orange, and the breeding programmes which introduced the red colour inadvertently favoured a recessive gene which changed the form of lycopene in the tomato. Another reason to trust Mother Nature and give up our meddling ways?

Moonglow is an indeterminate tomato with medium sized orange fruit with firm flesh and few seeds. It has a great flavour and shelf life.   Grown from our own seed – please note we sell the plants only, not seeds, no exceptions sorry. And we have categorised it here on the website as a perennial vegetable which it is in its native lands but of course in our climates it’s grown as an annual. However we grow so few annuals we don’t have a category for them!

A lovely plant for the kids to grow.

We do also have many other heirloom tomatoes for sale during the season, please feel free to ask:)

9cm pot. Certified organic plant. Available Sept – Dec/Jan only, limited stocks.

Freight: We can send up to 9 plants this size (in 9cm pots) for the same freight price or they can be combined with other grades but this will incur higher freight costs.

More details of freight and packing charges here

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