Water Celery ‘Flamingo’


Only 5 left in stock


Oenanthe javanica

Also known as Water Dropwort. Colourful low growing, spreading edible perennial water plant. The new shoots and leaves are widely used as a vegetable in Asian cuisine, being particularly esteemed in Japan. They have a delicious flavour of spicy celery or parsley, and are high in vitamins and minerals. The roots are also edible.  Plants spread rapidly and may become invasive – only plant in your own pond if you are able to keep it under control. Never plant it near public waterways. It can also travel across and thrive in moist ground such as ditches and streamsides. On a garden scale it can be grown usefully in a pot or barrel which sits in another container full of water. Tolerates light frosts only. Suited to part sun or full shade. This variety is known as ‘Flamingo’ for its pink/green coloured leaves. 10cm high.

9cm pot. Certified organic plant.

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